Peace Pebbles
What are Peace Pebbles?
Well, you know when you toss a stone in water it has a ripple effect. Peace pebbles are symbols or the ripple effect we have on the people we meet.
Shortly after the tragic events that happened on September 11, 2001, I began working on developing a program that taught kindness. Peace Pebbles began as part of that program. I called it Pass It On. I didn’t know where it would take me, I just knew that I needed to do something so i just continued working on it.
One day in 2003, my two grandsons, Christopher & Cody, asked me to teach an options class at their school, a local elementary school. Options was a day community members would teach a class about a fun, interesting topic. The students could pick several topics from the wide array of options. They would then go to the options instead of their regular classes.
I agreed to teach a class on being a peacemaker and acts of kindness. I called it Pass It On. The students that participated enjoyed it so much, I received permission to continue the program during the lunch hour several times a month.
To read a newspaper article, Sending Out Ripples of Peace, written by Susie Kasinski Drummod and published in the Racine Journal Times on March 31, 2003, CLICK HERE.
One of the projects that I did with the students was Peace Pebbles. I sewed little bags and put in three polished river stones in each bag. I told a story, we talked about values and acts of kindness and the ripple effect they have. Then I passed out the bags containing the Peace Pebbles. You can download all of the activities for the peace pebbles below.
If your kids were anything like mine were when they were young, you know how valuable stones can be. My daughters loved to collects stones. We had bags of them.
The students were no different. They loved their little polished river rocks. But the value of them took on a whole new meaning when I told them what they were going to do with them. They were so excited!

Pass It On just grew from there. Before I knew it, I was sewing hundreds of little bags to put the peace pebbles into. Whenever I had extra money, I would buy more polished river stones and material to make more bags. I just kept giving them away. Whenever we traveled, I would go to the local church youth group or school and present the program to the students. I left them all over New York City; on the subway, at the 911 Memorial, on park benches.
Make a Difference Day in 2005, I sponsored a project to have people help to make the little bags. A local sewing shop, Sew ’N Save, let me use their sewing classroom for the day. Volunteers could bring in their sewing machines and sew the bags for the peace pebbles. I also sponsored an essay/art contest. Students of all ages were invited to write a story or draw a picture about an act of kindness and how it made a difference in their life. Students were given two gift cards, one to keep and one to pass on to someone else.
To read a newspaper article, Making a Difference, written by Michael Burke and published in the Racine Journal Times on October 23, 2005, CLICK HERE.
Since I started Pass It On and the Peace Pebbles, I have given out thousands of little, shiny, polished river stones. In the beginning, each bag contained three Peace Pebbles. Within a short time, I increased the amount to 13 Peace Pebbles in each bag so the kids could get a better understanding of the impact that their acts of kindness had on other people. Eventually, I had several caring, generous volunteers to help me by sewing the bags for the Peace Pebbles.
Pass It On lead me, along with several other people, to starting a nonprofit, educational organization in 2006. Our mission was to promote a culture of peace to youth and communities. I was the Executive Director until 2017. During that time, over 9000 students participated in programs based on Pass It On and and the Peace Learning Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. We taught lessons on how to resolve conflict without hurting others, values, compassion, teamwork, empathy, and communication skills. Peace Pebbles were always the final lesson on the last day with the students. They were always a favorite activity.
To read more about my journey from September 11, 2001 to the present in my blog post, A Peacemaker’s Journey, CLICK HERE.
In the past several years, I have been painting the Peace Pebbles, along with my grandchildren. We decided to add them to the front yard so we could share them with anyone going past the house.
I found a metal sign at a local craft store and painted it. I also bought a large plastic tray at the garden center. My grandson, Chris, drilled a few holes in the bottom to allow the water to drain. We dug out some dirt and put the tray in the ground and filled it with the painted Peace Pebbles.

Anyone that is going past our house is invited to take a Peace Pebble. They can also paint their own and put them in the tray to add to the mix and share with others. We are continuing to Pass It On.
There is a valuable lesson that goes with the Peace Pebbles. It begins with an important question, and continues with a story about a woman and her stone, followed by a discussion about what is really valuable in life. Is it gold? Precious gems? Silver? Finally, kids do the math and are amazed at how many people are actually impacted by their single act of kindness.
If you would like to download the free activity guide including the story,The Wise Woman’s Stone, just SIGN UP HERE.
P.S. If you would like more information on how you can bring Pass It On to your class, youth group, church group, etc., just email me at
P.P.S. As always, I welcome your comments, suggestions, and ideas below!
I came across your site wanting to learn more and you did not disappoint. Keep up the terrific work, and just so you know, I have bookmarked your page to stay in the loop of your future posts. Here is mine at ZH5 about Thai-Massage. Have a wonderful day!
I feel genuine appreciation to you for your positive outlook and beautiful works of art. I would love to encourage this at our neighborhood youth center. Think positive thoughts for me to move forward with this (oh yeah, you already have)! Thank you!! ???? Cheryl
You spelled “heartful” incorrectly.
Hi Jonie. I know that the “correct” way to spell heartful is with one l. I intentionally have spelled it with two l’s. To me, heartfull means more than heartful. Heartful means with heartfelt emotions. Heartfull means with the whole heart, soul, and being, intentionally; purposefully; with every breath I breathe. Heartfully, Sue
Excellent explanation!!
I am glad that it made sense to you Sue! I always struggle with second guessing myself. Thank you for your response!
I love this! Your story is so inspiring! You have done so much for others. Such a great idea to place the peace pebbles in your front yard and bring joy to those who pass by.
Thank you Lisa. It certainly has been a joyful, yet difficult, journey at times. Glad you were inspired!
Hi Sue. I haven’t been the happiest lady lately and and feel this might rekindle my soul. I’m sorry my unhappiness was unleashed in a post. I was reminded of the strong effort you put forward to help my sisters daughter when no one else did. I love collecting stones. I am going to start something like this as a reminder to stay kind. I don’t do well with speaking to groups but I love the idea of having them out in front of the house. Stephanie
Hi Stephanie. Thank you for your kind words. I am so sorry that you have been unhappy. Remember, you are not the person who made a mistake or error in judgement in the past. We have all made mistakes, often. I have been keeping reminders in my pocket for nearly two decades. And still, I fail. We are what we are at this moment in time, not the past or the future. We are what we choose to be right now. Each day, sometimes each minute, we have to choose who we are going to be. We just have to choose well and to live within our values and our integrity. We may not be perfect, but parts of us are excellent! I would love for you to share pictures of your pebbles. Heartfully, Sue
Sue, this is INCREDIBLE! I had a smile on my face the entire time! What an ingenious idea! I think that when my kids get older, I may try this! Right now, at only 2 and 3, they’d just want to keep the pebbles for themselves LOL – but I absolutely get where you went with this! I live on a street for a local school’s bus route too, so once this pandemic is over/resolved/whatever may come; if the buses continue, this would be GREAT! I think it would be a great show of community support/involvement! Thank you for sharing and for being such a great peace-maker! 🙂
Thank you Kelly. It is hard for the little ones. Sometimes, it is even hard for me to part with my favorites. It sounds like you have the perfect place to have the pebbles once we get back to normal, whatever that is. You might want to check out my post on Kindness Stars or High Fives. Your three year old might be old enough for that. I have so much more that I will be adding for all ages, but mostly over 4 years old. Take care during this crazy time.
How wonderful! I have been admiring the stones I have seen in my community. I am more interested than ever in trying my hand at this now. The work you have done is very inspiring, well done!
Thank you Denise. So glad it is inspiring you to try it. It doesn’t cost anything to be kind to others. We never know whose life we might impact. It could change the world for that one person.
I would love it if you would share yours!
Fantastic ❤️
Thank you Pam! Glad you enjoyed it.