Peacemaker Resources
Click on Resources in the drop-down menu, under Peacemaker Resources. You will find lots of activities & resources that you can use with your family, in your classroom, youth group, and communities. Check back often as more will be added frequently. To get regular updates, please subscribe at the bottom of the page.
I have often asked myself, as well as others have questioned “Why?”. Why should we teach values, kindness, respect, acceptance, caring for others, responsibility, how to resolve problems & conflicts without hurting others, & teamwork? The answer is because it matters. Kindness matters. Respect matters. Caring for others matters. Values matter. They all matter. It really comes down to the Golden Rule. Treat others like you would like to be treated. It is simple, but it is not always easy.
Following the tragic events on September 11, 2001, I gave away hundreds of green ribbons printed with the words, because kindness matters. I passed them out on Make a Difference Day, October 25, 2001, and even for Halloween that year. The kids were so excited to get ribbons, they did not even care about the candy! Why? The answer is still the same. Because kindness matters.
You can read about the Make a Difference Day project and the story that started Pass It On and Because Kindness Matters if you CLICK HERE.