Welcome to Living a Heartfull Life!

I am delighted you came.  Come in and stay awhile.

I remember when I was in 2nd grade, my teacher said that the color green is the color of hope. I love to grow flowers and watch them poke through the ground after a long, harsh, cold winter. I love the hope of spring and new life after the dark, barren days of winter. It reminds me that no matter the season of my life or the struggles I am going through, there is always hope. New life and growth is just a breath away.



I love to spend time with family and friends. I love celebrations of every kind. And I love the time I spend with my grandchildren. It brings me great joy. They are the hope for more joy, compassion, and kindness in the world. I often have our grandchildren spend a day or two or three with us. We love to go places and do fun projects. You will find lots of things that bring joy, including the projects we do with pictures, downloads, and printables.

“There is no one you couldn’t love if you knew their whole story.”  Mr. Rogers


I believe that we can change the way we feel about something or someone by changing the story we tell ourselves. We can become what we want to see in the world. We can also build relationships and connections through our stories. We have much more in common with one another than we have differences. It is not enough to just fit in. We all need to belong. This is a place for sharing our stories and knowing we are not alone. I share my story of turning tragedy into something joyful. I will also invite other people to share their stories.


I love quotes and all things inspirational. I have been collecting quotes for as long as I can remember. The best thing is when I see or read something that speaks to me exactly where I am and what I need to hear at that moment. They are whispers to my heart. Here, I will share things that have inspired me in the hopes that it may be just what you need at that particular time. A whisper to your heart.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank

Pass It On

After 911, I started a program at a local elementary school I called Pass It on. It was about passing on acts of kindness and treating each other with loving care. I will share many lessons and activities that you too, can use or pass on to promote a kinder gentler place for our children.



Sharing is caring!