I Can BEE Coloring Pages
The I Can BEE coloring pages are fun and creative ways for kids to work on positive character traits. Talk to your children about what it means to be a good role model for others. Ask what character traits would a good role model need to have.
Have your child choose a character trait that would like to “bee”. The character trait can be one that the child can model because they are good at it, or, it can be one that they need to work on. You set the length of time: they could work on one trait a day, work on a trait for a week; work on a different trait each day of the week; you get the idea. Talk to the child about the character trait and have them give you examples of what they can do to model their particular trait.
Directions: Download and print the character trait your child has chosen. There are 31 different character traits and two different designs of “Bee’s”. I have also included two coloring pages with the character trait left blank so your child can fill it in if they have a different one they came up with.
HINT: To save on ink and paper, make sure when you print the coloring page, you print only the page number that you want to use. Of course, it is great if you want to use them all!
To download the I Can BEE Coloring Pages, CLICK HERE.